Military fighter jet crashes in central Switzerland

A Swiss Air Force fighter jet has crashed while on a flight near Lake Lucerne. The fate of the pilot or other victims is not yet known.

A Swiss Air Force fighter jet has crashed while on a flight near Lake Lucerne. The fate of the pilot or other victims is not yet known.

The defence ministry has confirmed the accident of a two-seater F/A -18 jet above the town of Alpnach in canton Obwalden around midday on Wednesay.
Eyewitnesses said the plane flew into a mountain face, while on a sortie with a second plane.
Rain and clouds restricted visibility at the time of the incident according to weather experts.
 The Air Force acquired a fleet of 34 F/A-18 in the mid-1990s. Another plane of its type crashed in the Swiss Alps in 1998, killing two people, including the pilot.
More information will follow as it becomes available.

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