On Being Adrift At Sea

Shipwrecked in a landlocked country, Auntie SAM shares what it feels like to realize what Tag-Along really means. Dear Auntie SAM: What happens if your permit doesn’t get renewed? Do you want to go home?  Despite never owning a flag, a pick-up truck, or my own huntin‘ rifle, I have never felt more American at […]

Can you spot the pair that will take me home?

Shipwrecked in a landlocked country, Auntie SAM shares what it feels like to realize what Tag-Along really means.

Dear Auntie SAM: What happens if your permit doesn’t get renewed? Do you want to go home?
Despite never owning a flag, a pick-up truck, or my own huntin‘ rifle, I have never felt more American at any point throughout my varied life than during the years I’ve lived in Switzerland.
As Auntie SAM, it’s my bread & butter. But even as the fool behind the wizard, this rings true.
Darlings, we don’t think alike. We don’t act alike. We don’t look alike. And, during easy times or tougher moments, we don’t start from the same presumptions; we don’t jump to the same conclusions.

We look at the same world through different eyes. In my experience, mostly, these differences foster pleasure. There are times, though, the bridge between us is a chasm.  
Mind you. I felt similarly in Amish country. And everywhere else I’ve lived. That’s kinda my point.
Where, exactly, is home? That place you know you belong …
I used to think it was with my husband. In his arms felt like home. But, like the island & other experiences of disposable brilliance, that fell like stardust.

And, now, because my „Tag-Along visa“ is truly called a „family reunification visa“ – & we haven’t family left to reunite – my right to live in Europe could be my next experience of disposable brilliance.
If that happens, America would have to be my home. But, Darlings, I’ve only ever taken backward steps to dance.

To where would I return? I have loved ones everywhere … yet nowhere in particular. The roads I knew won’t be the same; I’ll be just as lost there as here. But I’ll have to suffer Fox News.

Egads …
When the ship my husband & I were on wrecked at sea, in this landlocked country, locals & expats sent cargo planes to supply me the tools to build a raft.
Nights at sea, surrounded by sharks, were treacherous. But, often the days were even worse. Exposed, alone, & uncertain if I’d ever see land again … or upon which shore I’d drift … I may have gone a little mad before I accepted: that, in choosing to become a Tag-Along, I also chose to have no control over where I could live.

And for a girl who prides herself for being clever, as many of us cerebral expats do, that was a bitter pill to swallow.

Thank goodness for my American soul. True to your Auntie’s Dames of the Golden Age roots, I downed reality with a pint of bourbon, freshened my lipstick, & straightened my skirt. Then I developed Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. And, yes: even, Plan D: DefConUSA.
I’m now OK with enacting any one — excited about aspects of each.

Because the one thing being lost at sea in a landlocked Wonderland will teach you is that, while you may not get to decide where you live, you always can choose how.

So long as „home“ is within you. 

Still adrift, I now see my horizon in different ways. I feel the sun’s warmth & live to hear the ocean roar. Salt on my fingertips & a belly full of fish, wherever this wondrous sea takes me, I’m happy to be home.




Bring your FINEST CUTLERY, LINENS, & LANTERNS to Basel’s annual DINER EN BLANC. The end-of-the-summer GARDEN PARTY where NO ONE IS A LABEL & TEAMWORK IS A MUST. Dress in WHITE, of course … PETERSPLATZ. FRIDAY, 6:30 PM. FREE.

SUNDAY register at 9:30 AM at MANOR in ST. JAKOB-PARK to raise money for & awareness of MS by joining THREE LEVELED GUIDED WALKS:

Departure Times:
10:00 The Twin Peaks Challenge: approximately 18k up and over walk for experienced walkers who want a little more challenge.
11:00 – The 12K River side walk: a flat walk along the Birs at a reasonable pace and over a longer distance.
11:45 – The 6K River side family walk : a more leisurely walk along the river suitable for families and those happy to take their time.

Participation contributions:
Families with children : 60 CHF per family
Adults: 30 CHF per person
Individual 16-18 year olds: 20 CHF per person
No participation fee for those with sponsorship or fundraising donation of 100 CHF or over (for families) or 50 CHF (for individuals) as evidenced on a sponsorship or fundraising form.Download them from the main FB page. Medals earned by everyone finishing their walk!

After the walk, ENJOY BBQ and SOCIAL AFTERNOON WITH FRIENDS OLD & NEW by the BIRS! Or just JOIN THE PARTY there from approximately 1 PM onwards (if not walking).

Your soul will THANK YOU. XO

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