Jonathan Jacques Louis, 21, and Alexander Semyonov, 25. (Bild: Mads Nissen)
Moree, New South Wales, Australia. Laurinda waits in her purple dress for the bus that will take her to Sunday School. She is among the many socially isolated young women in disadvantaged communities in Australia facing entrenched poverty, racism, trans-generational trauma, violence, addiction, and a range of other barriers to health and well-being. (Raphaela Rosella, Oculi) (Bild: RAPHAELA ROSELLA/OCULI) Baroncea, Moldova. Twin brothers Igor and Arthur hand out chocolates to their classmates to celebrate their ninth birthday. When they were two years old, their mother traveled to Moscow to work in the construction field and later died. They have no father. They are among thousands of children growing up without their parents in the Moldovan countryside. Young people have fled the country, leaving a dwindling elderly population and young children. (Asa Sjoestroem, Moment Agency / INSTITUTE for Socionomen / UNICEF) (Bild: ASA SJOESTROEM) John wears his grandsonøs bowler hat, Bangladesh. (Sarker Protick) (Bild: SARKER PROTICK) Damaged goods lie in a kitchen in downtown Donetsk. Ordinary workers, miners, teachers, pensioners, children, and elderly women and men are in the midst of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Artillery fire killed three people and wounded 10 on 26 August 2014. (Sergei Ilnitsky, European Pressphoto Agency) (Bild: SERGEI ILNITSKY) Yiwu, China. Wei, a 19-year-old Chinese worker, wearing a face mask and a Santa hat, stands next to Christmas decorations being dried in a factory as red powder used for coloring hovers in the air. He wears six masks a day and the hat protects his hair from the red dust, which covers workers from head to toe like soot after several hours of work. (Ronghui Chen, City Express) (Bild: RONGHUI CHEN) EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ – NOVEMBER 23, 2014: Odell Beckham (13) of the New York Giants scores a touchdown in the second quarter against the Dallas Cowboys at MetLife Stadium on November 23, 2014 in East Rutherford, New Jersey. (Al Bello/Getty Images) (Bild: AL BELLO) Cadet in the Koninklijke Militaire Academie (The Royal Military Academy ) located in Breda, The Netherlands, December 18, 2013. (Paolo Verzone, Agence Vu) (Bild: PAOLO VERZONE) When spores of the fungus land on an ant, they penetrate its exoskeleton and enter its brain, compelling the host to leave its normal habitat on the forest floor and scale a nearby tree. Filled to bursting with fungus, the dying ant fastens itself to a leaf or another surface. Fungal stalks burst from the ant’s husk and rain spores onto ants below to begin the process again. (Anand Varma, National Geographic Magazine) (Bild: ANAND VARMA) Students are seen in a schoolyard in El Dorado County, California. (Tomas van Houtryve, VII for Harperøs Magazine) (Bild: TOMAS VAN HOUTRYVE/VII) Lewa Downs, Northern Kenya. A group of young Samburu warriors encounter a rhino for the first time in their lives. Most people in Kenya never get the opportunity to see the wildlife that exists literally in their own backyard. (Ami Vitale, National Geographic) (Bild: AMI VITALE) Family Love 1993-2014 . The Julie Project. 28 January 1993, San Francisco, California, USA. I first met Julie on January 28, 1993. Julie, 18, stood in the lobby of the Ambassador Hotel, barefoot, pants unzipped, and an 8 day-old infant in her arms. She lived in San Francisco’s SRO district, a neighborhood of soup kitchens and cheap rooms. Her room was piled with clothes, overfull ashtrays and trash. She lived with Jack, father of her first baby Rachel, and who had given her AIDS. Her first memory of her mother is getting drunk with her at 6 and then being sexually abused by her stepfather. She ran away at 14 and became drug addict at 15. Living in alleys, crack dens, and bunked with more dirty old men than she cared to count. øRachel,ø Julie said, øhas given me a reason to live.ø For the next 21 years I photographed Julie Baird and her familyøs complex story of poverty, AIDS, drugs, multiple homes, relationships, births, deaths, loss and reunion. (Darcy Padilla, Agence Vu) (Bild: DARCY PADILLA) Medical staff at the Hastings Ebola Treatment Center work escort a man in the throes Ebola-induced delirium back into the isolation ward from which he escaped in Hastings, Sierra Leone on Sunday, November 23, 2014. In a state of confusion, he emerged from the isolation ward and attempted to escape over the back wall of the complex before collapsing in a convulsive state. A complete breakdown of metal facilities is a common stage of advanced Ebola. The man pictured here died shortly after this picture was taken. (Pete Muller/Prime for National Geographic/Washington Post) (Bild: PETE MULLER) Operation Mare Nostrum. Shipwrecked aboard a boat are rescued 20 miles north from Libya by the frigate FREMM Bergamini of the Italian Navy. After hundreds of men, women and children had drowned in 2013 off the coast of Sicily and Malta, the Italian government put its navy to work under a campaign called øMare Nostrumø rescuing refugees at sea. Only in 2014, 170,081 people were rescued and taken to Italy. (Massimo Sestini) (Bild: MASSIMO SESTINI) UKRAINE. Kiev. An Orthodox priest bless the protesters on a barricade. On february 20th, unidentified snipers open fire on disarmed protesters as they was advancing on Instituska street. According to an official source, 70 protesters were shot dead. Ukrainian riot police claimed that several policeman were wounded or shot dead by snipers aswell. An unofficial source said that snipers opened fire on the police and protesters at the same time in order to provoke both camps. (Jerome Sessini, France, Magnum Photos for De Standaard) (Bild: JEROME SESSINI) 2014年7月14日,巴西里约热内卢,巴西世界杯决赛。最终德国队凭借格策的进球获得了2014年世界杯冠军。图为:阿根廷球员梅西和大力神杯擦肩而过。 (Bild: @TaiLiang) On April 14, 2014, nearly 300 girls were kidnapped from a remote school dormitory in Northern Nigeria by Boko Haram, an Islamic terrorist group. These are the school uniforms belonging to three of the missing girls. (Bild: Glenna Gordon) A young girl is pictured after she was wounded during clashes between riot-police and prostestors after the funeral of Berkin Elvan, the 15-year-old boy who died from injuries suffered during last year’s anti-government protests, in Istanbul on March 12, 2014. Riot police fired tear gas and water cannon at protestors in the capital Ankara, while in Istbanbul, crowds shouting anti-government slogans lit a huge fire as they made their way to a cemetery for the burial of Berkin Elvan. (Bulent Kilic/AFP PHOTO) (Bild: BULENT KILIC) Suzhou, Anhui Province, China. A monkey being trained for circus cowers as its trainer approaches. With more than 300 roupes, Suzhou is known as the home of the Chinese circus. (Yongzhi Chu) (Bild: YONGZHI CHU)
Die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs «World Press Photo 15» stehen fest: Der Preis für das World Press Photo of the Year 2014 geht an den dänischen Fotografen Mads Nissen, Fotograf für die dänische Tageszeitung «Politiken», vertreten durch Panos Pictures.
Das Bild zeigt Jon und Alex, ein homosexuelles Paar während eines intimen Moments in Sankt Petersburg, Russland. Das Leben für lesbische, schwule, bisexuelle oder transsexuelle Menschen (LGBT) wird immer schwieriger in Russland: Sexuelle Minderheiten sind zunehmend Belästigungen, juristischen und sozialen Diskriminierungen und sogar gewalttätigen Hassverbrechen aus konservativen, religiösen oder nationalistischen Kreisen ausgesetzt. Das World Press Photo of the Year 2014, welches auch den ersten Preis für die Kategorie «Contemporary Issues» gewonnen hat, ist Teil des umfassenden Projekts «Homophobia in Russia» von Mads Nissen im Auftrag von Scanpix.
Die internationale 17-köpfige Jury prämierte die besten Werke in 8 Kategorien aus 97’912 Vorschlägen, eingereicht von 5692 Fotografen aus 131 Ländern. Die US-Amerikanerin Michelle McNally, Jury-Mitglied sowie Leiterin Fotografie und stellvertretende Redaktionsleiterin der «New York Times», begründet die Wahl so: «Es ist ein historischer Zeitpunkt für das Bild… das Siegerbild muss ästhetisch und bedeutungsvoll sein und zugleich das Potential haben, eine Ikone zu werden. Dieses Bild ist ästhetisch, kraftvoll und besitzt Menschlichkeit.»
_ Ausstellung im Folium – Alte Sihlpapierfabrik, Sihlcity Zürich / 7. – 31. Mai 2015 / Mo-So 11-19 Uhr, Fr 11-21 Uhr, Auffahrt und Pfingstmontag geöffnet.