On Surviving Beautiful Hearts, Last Call

The last in a series about our quest for happiness. Dear Auntie SAM: Hello Auntie! I just had a thought, sort of an idea for one of your articles in your new blog. It is generally about downshifting and a human’s right not to be successful all the time but to focus more on something […]

She's no Calamity Jane. She's fiercer.

The last in a series about our quest for happiness.

Dear Auntie SAM: Hello Auntie! I just had a thought, sort of an idea for one of your articles in your new blog. It is generally about downshifting and a human’s right not to be successful all the time but to focus more on something what makes him really happy. In any case, all the best, and see you some day! ??

I missed my mark last week. I’m sorry. I thought I was ready; I thought I understood.

I was wrong.

The thoughts hung in the air surrounding my head like swarms of … like whispering willowing wisps drawing – me … like … like a caress that comes … like a kiss. A kiss that beckons like starlight & either softly taunts or coarsely grazes your cheek as it promises delicious summers resplendent in unending wet apricot dreams …

But, like a kiss, the closer we became – the more I could feel, taste, smell, & give into its treasures – the more I realized we would never be one. I would never really understand; never quite grasp, you.

Not yet. Maybe one day. But I’m just not there … today.

Besides, and this is no excuse, but we all know I’m no guide here. Here: in this complex, complicit society in which we each quest for happiness — sometimes, at each other’s peril & sometimes without apparent wherewithall. I simply follow white rabbits. But I know a guide …    

So, for you madcap souls who have been following this divine comedy, let’s return to paradise: to that memory of my first joy.

That perfect summer afternoon when I watched a spider dance on dew. One sister asleep; another playing. My blue-eyed Iroquois Chief father racing the wind. And then there’s my mom: The One Who Led Us Through.

Whenever you quest for happiness, the road will take you in unexpected, some times beautiful & at other times, painful ways. The trick is not to linger too long in the mire. Stay long enough to learn what you’re meant to learn, then leave. Because, yes, we are meant for brighter days.    

Which brings this journey to its almost end: we’re at our vestibule. And, on the other side – life – is our chance to choose. 

I offer you this, humble pilgrim: written / lived / taught to me by my mom, just a few weeks ago:

„Watched a wasp once, caught in a spider’s web, thought he was losing… but 45 minutes later he broke free and flew away… It’s never over till it’s over… „





REFRESH YOURSELF this weekend at the ALSACE WINE FAIR in COLMAR. And FIRE UP EACH EVENING at PIN-UP d’ALSACE à la FAV !  BURLESQUE BINGO from 6-7PM BURLESQUE SHOW from 9:30PM with LUNA MOKA, COCO DAS VEGAS, VINCE VANVEGAS, RUBY SCHATZY, LEMM & MORE: Aug 7-16. I think it’s FREE; I don’t know where … they’re FRENCH. Explore; if you can’t find it, enjoy the wine 😉

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