A costumed mascot waits for the men's quarter-final match between Rafael Nadal of Spain and Martin Klizan of Slovakia at the China Open tennis tournament in Beijing, October 3, 2014. (Bild: JASON LEE)
An Afghan butcher throws a piece of beef on the first day of Eid al-Adha in Kabul October 4, 2014. (Bild: MOHAMMAD ISMAIL) Turkish soldiers in armoured vehicles force Turkish Kurds to leave from a position overlooking Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the Turkish town of Suruc in southeastern Sanliurfa province October 4, 2014. (Bild: MURAD SEZER) People ride a Ferris wheel in an amusement park as they celebrate the first day of Eid al-Adha, at the port-city of Sidon, southern Lebanon October 4, 2014. (Bild: ALI HASHISHO) Castellers Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls form a human tower called „castell“ during a biannual competition in Tarragona city October 5, 2014. The formation of human towers is a tradition in the area of Catalonia. (Bild: ALBERT GEA) Medical staff carry a member of Castellers de Vilafranca who fell while forming a human tower, called „castell“, during a biannual competition in Tarragona city October 5, 2014. A man and his dog jump into the sea in Piran October 5, 2014.
REUTERS/Srdjan Zivulovic (SLOVENIA – Tags: SOCIETY ANIMALS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY) Jiejin Qiu, who is six months pregnant with her first baby, poses underwater during a photo shoot at a local wedding photo studio in Shanghai September 5, 2014. (Bild: CARLOS BARRIA) Ein Skateboarder rauscht ins Tal, am Downhill-Skateboard-Freeride-Anlass „WolzenBolzen“, am Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014, auf der Wolzenalp in Krummenau. (KEYSTONE/Gian Ehrenzeller) Eine Frau singt die Schweizer Nationalhymne, anlaesslich der ausserordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung der AUNS, am Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014, in Winterthur. (KEYSTONE/Steffen Schmidt) (Bild: STEFFEN SCHMIDT) Une voiture a ete casse dans une rue de geneve ou des manifestants protestent contre le defile du bicentenaire de la police genevoise ce samedi 4 octobre 2014, a Geneve. (Bild: SALVATORE DI NOLFI) Des manifestants protestent contre le defile du bicentenaire de la police genevoise ce samedi 4 octobre 2014, a Geneve. (Bild: SALVATORE DI NOLFI) Der Juckerhof in Seegraeben, aufgenommen am Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014. Zur Zeit findet auf dem Juckerhof die traditionelle Kuerbisausstellung statt. (Bild: STEFFEN SCHMIDT) Des pompiers et des policiers constatent q’un petit avion de type Buecker Jungmeister c’est retourne sur le toit lors de la phase d’atterrissage ce dimanche 5 octobre 2014 sur l’aeroport de la Blecherette a Lausanne.) (Bild: OLIVIER BORN)
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